As you prepare for replacement of your old furnace or consider the best system for your new construction, you may want to look into add-on options to enhance the comfort and air quality in your home. Comprehensive comfort control today provides consumers with many improvements over systems of the past. Whether you are looking for ways to reduce the dry skin effect of winter heating or whether you are interested in optimum energy performance, you’ll be pleased with the range of solutions to accompany your furnace installation.

Variable Speed Technology

You may hate the harsh feel of a furnace blowing at full force. In older systems, there was only one speed, and the result could be uncomfortable. Consider a multi-speed blower to provide you with gentler heating solutions and more stable indoor temperatures.  This feature can also lower your monthly energy bills.

Hybrid Heating

While the furnace will provide the level of heating needed for the winter storm season, electricity is an efficient heating choice during milder weather. A hybrid system merges a furnace and a heat pump, providing an easy method of heating with the most desirable source at any given time. Your system’s controls will direct the heating activity to the proper unit based on outside conditions. Meanwhile, the heat pump will address your summer cooling needs efficiently.

Humidity Moderation

Winter moisture levels can be much lower than those of summer months, especially while your furnace operates. The resulting problems can include dry skin, chapped hands and lips, throat irritations that lead to coughing, and drying of the mucous membranes. These can lower your resistance to winter germs. A furnace humidifier is one of the best add-on options if you are plagued by these conditions during the heating season.

Intensive Air Filtration

Your air filter only provides a little bit of air cleaning, primarily protecting your HVAC equipment from excessive infiltration of dirt. Consider an air cleaner to better manage pollutants in your home. Leading choices provide up to eight filtration cycles per hour, ensuring that your home’s air is intensively cleaned. Trap and kill systems also destroy bacteria and viruses, an important feature if you are vulnerable to colds and flu.

Recovery Ventilators

Energy recovery ventilators are excellent for improving your indoor air quality by exhausting polluted air and pulling fresh air into the home. Energy from the outgoing airstream is recovered by the incoming supply as both streams pass through a common box and transfer heat. Proper ventilation can keep your home’s air fresher. It is also an important safety consideration in homes that operate combustion equipment like gas furnaces.

Wireless Controls

One of the most intriguing advances in HVAC technology is the development of thermostats that can interact online. Through your home’s wireless connection and computer, tablet, or smartphone apps, you can adjust your system, monitor its performance, or stay tuned to important maintenance issues.

The Tryon, NC team of Gentry Heating, Inc., is available to provide information about the latest options for your furnace installation. You can contact our office to discuss your new system needs or to find out about a variety of supplemental equipment choices.

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